Endless Pictures is a collection of the 20 highest-rated flash fiction pieces from TL;DR Press first flash fiction competition. In 1k words or less, authors bring you to new worlds, stretch the boundaries, and warm our hearts. Each unique entry was given two prompts, and each one show just how much you can do with 1 thousand words. All proceeds go to First Story.
I’m excited to be included among the Top 20 winners of TLDR Press’ 2020 “1,000 Word Herd” contest. Given the prompts “A factory worker” and “A hidden key”, I was challenged to write a story of no more than 1,000 words within a week, and encouraged to “get creative” with the prompts..
I’m honored to be in such impressive company, including:
Rob McIvor
Laura A. Pike
Kat Veldt
Alex Woodroe
Regan Puckett
Katie Conrad
Caroline Barnard-Smith
Myna Chang
Charlie Rogers
Jim Horlock
Madeleine Pelletier
Lauren Barker
M.M. Schreier
Janna Miller
Hannah Hulbert
Alexandra Otto
Stefan Sokoloski
Chrissie Rohrman
Emily Roth