Four magical Creatures. Four prompts. Four stories, written over four months. Four winners. I'm excited to have my four-story series, Protector of the Path, included in Iron Faerie Publishing's Arcane Anthology, along with tales of Dragons, by Vonnie Winslow Crist; Necromancy, by David Green, and the elusive Tiktik, by Lyndsey Ellis-Holloway!
From the Archives…
Automating Your Mailbox
[Video] Reduce Typing, Automate Mail Handling, and Make Your Inbox a more Workable Workspace
Why Your Newsletter Gets Marked As Spam
[Video + PDF Resource] A Geek's-eye view of why the mail server thinks your newsletter is spam and how to teach it otherwise.
8 Unexpected Benefits of a Password Vault
[Video] things you probably didn't know a password vault would do for you.
The Connery Con
Was Sean Connery an abusive misogynist? A misunderstood "man of his times"? I think he was something else entirely.
Mac vs PC: How To Choose
[Video} Mac vs PC: Nixie takes on the Operating System religious wars. Which one is right for you?
Crafting Effective Presentations
[Video] A presentation isn't a document - it's a conversation. Let's talk about how to craft a conversation that gets your audience where you need them to go.
Endless Pictures
Endless Pictures is a collection of the 20 highest-rated flash fiction pieces from TL;DR Press first flash fiction competition. In 1k words or less, authors bring you to new worlds, stretch the boundaries, and warm our hearts. Each unique entry was given two prompts, and each one show just how much you can do with... Continue Reading →
WIBS Write-In for George Floyd
An afternoon spent with a group of excellent young writers
“Thank you for your service”
Some veterans don't care for the fad of random thank yous. I feel differently - but I understand their point.