Add a little security and a lot of manageability to your mail, with a feature you didn't know was available.
The Multilingual Computer
43% of the world is bilingual. 17% is multilingual. That means nearly 2/3 of people may have a need to type words that use different characters or entirely different alphabets. Here's how to teach your computer to support multiple languages.
Understanding Language Proficiency
Understanding common language proficiency scales.
Digital Pandemic: Risk Management and Ransomware
[Video] Case Study of a ransomware attack and recovery
Automating Your Mailbox
[Video] Reduce Typing, Automate Mail Handling, and Make Your Inbox a more Workable Workspace
Why Your Newsletter Gets Marked As Spam
[Video + PDF Resource] A Geek's-eye view of why the mail server thinks your newsletter is spam and how to teach it otherwise.
8 Unexpected Benefits of a Password Vault
[Video] things you probably didn't know a password vault would do for you.
Mac vs PC: How To Choose
[Video} Mac vs PC: Nixie takes on the Operating System religious wars. Which one is right for you?
Crafting Effective Presentations
[Video] A presentation isn't a document - it's a conversation. Let's talk about how to craft a conversation that gets your audience where you need them to go.