Two visits to Seattle's Science Fiction Museum
Why Frankenstein is Science Fiction and Star Wars Isn’t
What is - and isn't - Science Fiction
Legends and Lies
Somewhere between the Legend and the Lie, we discover who we are...
A Note On Job Interviews
As a hiring manager and former recruiter: my thoughts on your job interview.
Humans Rarely Understand
When we lose our humanity, sometimes it's not the humans who help us find it again
Why I Loathe the New Battlestar Galactica
I keep finding myself explaining this. It seemed easier to write it down...
Etaine Beauce is about to learn some things about her past - and her future!
Are We Mad About The Right Things?
A follow-up to my rant on Policing in America.
Policing In America
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. ~Aristotle
Because It Wasn’t Challenging Enough
This year, I add a new twist to the NYCM Flash Fiction Contest