Descansos Anthology Released

What an exciting day!  I am thrilled to share that Darkhouse Books has released the Descansos Anthology, which includes my essay, “Tatort.”


“Descansos” are those roadside memorials that you see in spots where a life has come to an abrupt and unexpected end.  The works in the Descansos Anthology are immensely diverse, but joined together by the themes of love, grief, and the life-altering changes that reorient your universe when you least expect them. The book is filled with stories, essays, poetry, and flash fiction from a bevy of fantastic writers. Each piece is short enough to read quickly – but deep enough to be digested slowly.

As my essay touches on the victims of the WWII Holocaust, it is especially meaningful to me that it should appear in a collection alongside a work by “writer, poet, & refugee” John Guzlowski, whose works reflecting his parents’ experiences both in the camps and as post-war refugees has given voice to so many who might otherwise have been forever silenced. (My special thanks to you, John, for thoughtfully and generously pre-reading my submission so I could ensure I did not offer you or these very serious themes any disrespect!)

Have you picked up a copy of Descansos? Drop a comment here on on my Facebook page to share your impressions – or your own “Descanso.”


Susannah Carlons           EdWolfe Loss, Poetry Ed


Amber Colleen Hart Armine Mortimer Brian Morgan
C.A. Cole Cate McGowan Catherine A. Lee
D. Dina Friedman Dave Holt Diana Brown
Ellaraine Lockie Frank Russo Fred Zackel
Hal Ackerman Ivan Faute Jack Mackey
Jackie Davis Martin Jesse Sensibar John Z. Guzlowski
Jon Black Jonathan Ochoco Karen Bovenmyer
Kevin Wetmore Kurt Newton Lita Kurth
Mary Silwance Nancy Brewka-Clark Nick Bouchard
Nicole Scherer Pamela Ahlen Richard King Perkins II
Scot Friesen Terence Kuch Teressa Rose Ezell
Terresa Cooper Haskew Tyson West Woody Woodger

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